class: clear, title-slide, inverse, center, top, middle # Interdisciplinarity of Applied Machine Learning in STEM Education ## ### Dr. Shiyan Jiang ### 2021/08/11 (updated: 2021-08-11) --- # What is Machine Learning? .pull-left[ .font140[ <br/> + Large dataset + **Informative feature** + Pattern + Prediction ]] .pull-right[ ![](img/chiwawa.png) ] --- class: clear, inverse, center, middle # Machine Learning is about automatically finding meaningful patterns in data --- class: clear, middle .pull-left[ <br/><br/><br/> .font150[**Interdisciplinarity**] ] .pull-right[ ![](img/interdisciplinarity.png) ] --- # Interdisciplinarity <br/><br/><br/> ![](img/interdisciplinarity2.png) --- # Outline <br/> .font140[ + Overview + Affordances + Limitations ] --- # Overview: Literature Review .font130[ + Journal of Science Education and Technology [Special Issue]( (2021) Applying ML in Science Assessment + Alonso-Fernández et al. (2019) reviewed the literature for applications to game learning analytics (GLA) data + Luan & Tsai (2021) reviewed the literature for applications of ML for precision education + Bergner & von Davier (2019) reviewed NAEP’s use of learning process data ] --- # Overview: ML Techniques .font130[ - Unsupervised learning: - Augmented Reality in Science Laboratories: Investigating High School Students’ .orange[**Navigation Patterns**] and Their Effects on Learning Performance (Jiang et al., 2021) - Supervised learning: - Predicting .orange[**STEM and Non-STEM College Major Enrollment**] from Middle School Interaction with Mathematics Educational Software (San Pedro et al., 2014) ] --- # Overview: ML for K-12 ![](img/structuredunstructured.png) .pull-left[<img style="border-radius: 50%; float: left; margin: 4px;" src="" height="70px"/> .font90[<br/>Project StoryQ]] --- # Affordances of Machine Learning <br/> .font140[ - **Students:** e.g., customizable experiences - **Teachers:** e.g., automated scoring - **Researchers:** e.g., analyze patterns in data ] --- # Limitations of Machine Learning <br/> .font140[ - Ethical considerations - Deterministic problems - Lack of (good) data - Interpretability - Learning in context ] --- class: clear, inverse, center, middle .font140[Machine Learning is a current hot topic and continues to grow in popularity based on its applications]